Now in its eleventh year, this intensive seminar will examine the achievements of Saint John Henry Newman as a theologian, philosopher, educator, preacher, and writer. Remarkably, in each of these areas Newman produced works that have come to be recognized as classics: An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, The Grammar of Assent, The Idea of a University, The Parochial and Plain Sermons, and the Apologia Pro Vita Sua. This seminar will approach Newman’s thought through a critical engagement with these texts.



  • The seminar will be held at Linacre College at the University of Oxford.

  • Most Meals (some on their own) and lodging will be provided for the participants.

  • Participants will receive a stipend of up to $700 to offset travel expenses.

  • Participants will arrive on Saturday, June 22 and depart on Saturday, June 29.

  • Participants will be required to read the assigned texts in preparation for the seminar.

  • Fifteen applicants will be admitted to the seminar.



This seminar is open to PhD students in theology, philosophy, classics, and other relevant fields of study.

  • A completed online application form.

  • An updated CV.

  • At least one and no more than two letter(s) of recommendation.

  • A statement of research interest no longer than 750 words, which includes an explanation of how this seminar might bear on the student’s current or future research plans.

  • One academic writing sample (30 pages maximum).

  • All application materials can be submitted via the online application. Incomplete applications will not be considered


Application materials are due February 2, 2024


Contact us with any questions at